Friday, February 4, 2011

4 Down, 8 to GO!

Happy Friday, Booble Spot'ers!! Can you even believe it is February 4th already?!? I can't even believe how fast this year is going. I am trying to live each day to the fullest, but I most definitely live for Friday's...or chemo days! I am currently undergoing treatment once a week - every Friday - and I'm happy to report that I have successfully completed 4 treatments, have #5 today and will be well on my way to finishing #12 before I even know it! This round of treatment is ~ and this is so weird to say ~ so easy!! The treatment takes about 2-2 1/2 hours, but I only have to go once a week - compared to last round when I had treatment on Monday and my Neulasta shot on Tuesday. And my energy levels are crazy high! I would like to thank one of my pre-meds for this...its a steroid...I finish with treatment and for the next week seem to have endless energy. This is good because I am still training for "Tri For The Cure". A sprint-distance triathlon that supports the Phoenix chapter of Susan G. Koman. The race is Sunday, March 20th ~ 5 days before my last chemo treatment! How exciting is that!!

Aside from chemo, training, and work, not a lot of new stuff to report! Which is nice!! I wanted to let everyone know that I am doing really well - I'm staying positive - happy - strong - and can't wait for the next few months! I keep saying it, but 2011 is going to be a great year! I can't wait to see what this year holds for me. 

Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend, bloggers!! Thanks for checking in on my blog and progress. I will updated you in a few weeks!

Love always,
  ~ heather :o)


  1. You are amazing! Thanks for keeping us posted!!


  2. So happy to read the continuation of good news! Love Ya!
