Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Year, New Goals, More Inspired than EVER

Hi Hi Booble Spot Followers! Just a quick Sunday night updated from the Valley of the Sun! Today, January 16th, 2011, was the PF Chang's Rock n' Roll Marathon & Half Marathon! Over 6,000 marathon runners took to the streets of Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tempe, Arizona to conquer 26.2 miles! I am proud to say that I knew 5 full marathons and 3 half marathons! They are the most wonderful and inspirational people I know!! What they did today brought me to tears....and made me want to be out there running so badly. What I love about my friends is that they are so self-less....they gave their time and energy to fund-raise for an amazing organization ~ The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society; they gave their time and energy (and a lot of Saturday mornings) to physically prepare for today's event; but what I love most, is that they give hope and inspiration to so many, like myself. 

I have been told over and over again, 'Heather, I don't know how you can do what you do...go through treatment and remain positive and have a smile on your face'. WELL...I'm here to tell you that I do it because of the 8 individuals that I personally know that completed today's endurance event. In my opinion, cancer is cancer...and hopefully, once a cure is found for one, cures will be found for knowing that my friends helped raise so much towards the research and support of finding a cure for cancer made we want to get out and run with them today! I know my time will come when I can be a participant again (perhaps Savannah, GA....November 2011?!?), so, until then, I will cherish the memories I was able to share in today, cherish the friends that are in my life inspiring me every single day, and KNOW that they will all be with me, when I cross my finish line ~ both in my treatment and in my next endurance race! 

So, anyone who is interested in meeting a GREAT group of people, becoming inspired, and taking an AMAZING personal journey, email me or call me...ask me how...!! 

On a side note, my training is going well for the upcoming Tri For The Cure Woman's Triathlon in March that I am participating in. I'm back in the pool, taking a spinning class and pounding pavement!!! Two months to go until I can officially add Triathlete to my list of accomplishments! 

Have a wonderful night, a GREAT week....and make 2011 the best year ever ~ YOU deserve it! 

Love always 
 ~ heather :o)

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